ction get_rocket_ipv6_full($ip) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.14' ); $pieces = explode ("/", $ip, 2); $left_piece = $pieces[0]; $right_piece = null; if (count($pieces) > 1) $right_piece = $pieces[1]; // Extract out the main IP pieces $ip_pieces = explode("::", $left_piece, 2); $main_ip_piece = $ip_pieces[0]; $last_ip_piece = ""; if (count($ip_pieces) > 1) $last_ip_piece = $ip_pieces[1]; // Pad out the shorthand entries. $main_ip_pieces = explode(":", $main_ip_piece); foreach($main_ip_pieces as $key=>$val) { $main_ip_pieces[$key] = str_pad($main_ip_pieces[$key], 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } // Check to see if the last IP block (part after ::) is set $last_piece = ""; $size = count($main_ip_pieces); if (trim($last_ip_piece) != "") { $last_piece = str_pad($last_ip_piece, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); // Build the full form of the IPV6 address considering the last IP block set for ($i = $size; $i < 7; $i++) { $main_ip_pieces[$i] = "0000"; } $main_ip_pieces[7] = $last_piece; } else { // Build the full form of the IPV6 address for ($i = $size; $i < 8; $i++) { $main_ip_pieces[$i] = "0000"; } } // Rebuild the final long form IPV6 address $final_ip = implode(":", $main_ip_pieces); return rocket_ip2long6($final_ip); } // Determine whether the IPV6 address is within range. // $ip is the IPV6 address in decimal format to check if its within the IP range created by the cloudflare IPV6 address, $range_ip. // $ip and $range_ip are converted to full IPV6 format. // Returns true if the IPV6 address, $ip, is within the range from $range_ip. False otherwise. function rocket_ipv6_in_range($ip, $range_ip) { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '3.14' ); $pieces = explode ("/", $range_ip, 2); $left_piece = $pieces[0]; $right_piece = $pieces[1]; // Extract out the main IP pieces $ip_pieces = explode("::", $left_piece, 2); $main_ip_piece = $ip_pieces[0]; $last_ip_piece = $ip_pieces[1]; // Pad out the shorthand entries. $main_ip_pieces = explode(":", $main_ip_piece); foreach($main_ip_pieces as $key=>$val) { $main_ip_pieces[$key] = str_pad($main_ip_pieces[$key], 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); } // Create the first and last pieces that will denote the IPV6 range. $first = $main_ip_pieces; $last = $main_ip_pieces; // Check to see if the last IP block (part after ::) is set $last_piece = ""; $size = count($main_ip_pieces); if (trim($last_ip_piece) != "") { $last_piece = str_pad($last_ip_piece, 4, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); // Build the full form of the IPV6 address considering the last IP block set for ($i = $size; $i < 7; $i++) { $first[$i] = "0000"; $last[$i] = "ffff"; } $main_ip_pieces[7] = $last_piece; } else { // Build the full form of the IPV6 address for ($i = $size; $i < 8; $i++) { $first[$i] = "0000"; $last[$i] = "ffff"; } } // Rebuild the final long form IPV6 address $first = rocket_ip2long6(implode(":", $first)); $last = rocket_ip2long6(implode(":", $last)); $in_range = ($ip >= $first && $ip <= $last); return $in_range; } /** * Filter plugin fetching API results to inject Imagify * * @since 2.10.7 * @since 3.14.2 deprecated * @author Remy Perona * * @param object|WP_Error $result Response object or WP_Error. * @param string $action The type of information being requested from the Plugin Install API. * @param object $args Plugin API arguments. * * @return array Updated array of results */ function rocket_add_imagify_api_result( $result, $action, $args ) { if ( empty( $args->browse ) ) { return $result; } if ( 'featured' !== $args->browse && 'recommended' !== $args->browse && 'popular' !== $args->browse ) { return $result; } if ( ! isset( $result->info['page'] ) || 1 < $result->info['page'] ) { return $result; } if ( is_plugin_active( 'imagify/imagify.php' ) || is_plugin_active_for_network( 'imagify/imagify.php' ) ) { return $result; } // grab all slugs from the api results. $result_slugs = wp_list_pluck( $result->plugins, 'slug' ); if ( in_array( 'imagify', $result_slugs, true ) ) { return $result; } $query_args = [ 'slug' => 'imagify', 'fields' => [ 'icons' => true, 'active_installs' => true, 'short_description' => true, 'group' => true, ], ]; $imagify_data = plugins_api( 'plugin_information', $query_args ); if ( is_wp_error( $imagify_data ) ) { return $result; } if ( 'featured' === $args->browse ) { array_push( $result->plugins, $imagify_data ); } else { array_unshift( $result->plugins, $imagify_data ); } return $result; } Tussenstand FC Kanaalstreek Eredivisietoto na speelronde 28 - FC Kanaalstreek

Tussenstand FC Kanaalstreek Eredivisietoto na speelronde 28

Tussenstand van de FC Kanaalstreek Eredivisietoto na speelronde 28

1 Daniel Lubben Musselkanaal 141
2 Gerrit de Vrieze Nieuw-Buinen 138
3 Jos Roossien Stadskanaal 135
4 Martin Reinders Borger 130
5 Bert Meijer Stadskanaal 130
6 Arno Sieders Stadskanaal 128
7 Erik Joling Borger 127
8 Harm Jan Pleiter Westerwolde 126
9 Gert Bontjer Sellingen 124
10 Tim Hatzmann Stadskanaal 124
11 Wim van Klinken Ter Apel 123
12 Martin Schreuder Nieuwe Pekela 122
13 Geert Boekholt Buinerveen 121
14 Henri Busker Sellingen 120
15 Lorenzo Kapel Stadskanaal 119
16 Harald Kroes Sellingen 119
17 Kevin Christians Alteveer 118
18 Steffan Cazemier Schoonoord 117
19 Egbert Mulder Meeden 113
20 Erik Meezen Ter Apel 112
21 David Veen Drouwenermond 109
22 Edwin Haandrikman Schoonoord 94
23 Gerwin Bontjer Sellingen 74
24 Wessel Klijnstra Stadskanaal 11


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